September 12, 2004

The Party of Lincoln? Why Lincoln?

Why the Party of Lincoln? What does it mean to be the Party of Lincoln? Why is it that the Republican Party is the Party of Lincoln when talking to Black men and women? Why not the Party of Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, William Taft, Calvin Coolidge or any of the other Past Republican Presidents? There is only one reason why the Republican Party reminds Black men and women and only us that they are the Party of Lincoln, it is to say to Black folk, “WE ARE THE PARTY THAT FREED YOU” and you are being ungrateful by not supporting us.

They pull the same garbage when they talk about how republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and how those nasty democrats did not. However what they leave out is. those Democrats were Dixiecrats who represented white folk in the south that hated Black men and women and after the monumental failure of the Thurmond and Wright Ticket, those white racist in the south all left the Democratic Party and the South has been a Republican Strong hold every election since; barring the 1976 Election of Jimmy Carter after the Nixon fiasco.

The Negro-Cons love to talk about the Republican Party being the party of Lincoln or “the party that freed Black men and women enslaved by white folk. This is one of the biggest shames run by the Republican Party. They truly expect us to credit them with giving us something we know was not obtained because of them and have yet to be fully experienced, while simultaneously being the party of the most racist white folk in America. If Republicans came out and said, “We are the party that freed you” and drop the Euphemism, “We are the party of Lincoln, maybe then we can have some real discussions on the validity of them being the Party of Lincoln and what it means. However by not actually saying that , they leave it open to interpretation and they know that many fools still walk the earth believing Lincoln freed Black men and women that were enslaved in the U.S. by the stroke of his pen.

It is time to lift the skirt of those Negro-Cons and their White counterpart and expose their shame. The next time they open their mouth and proclaim “WE ARE THE PARTY OF LINCOLN” ask them to explain what that means and watch them fumble for words. Then Remind them, they are the party of Nixon, Regan, Dubya and the various other criminals that have fallen under that banner.


At 1:21 PM, Blogger Scott said...

" those white racist in the south all left the Democratic Party "



Nixon gave us federal set asides programs you always here about in Black Enterprise which allows our companies to compete and affirmative action.

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Faheem said...

Whats your point, Do you have one? Does any of what you wrote apply to anything I wrote.

At 9:15 AM, Blogger Scott said...

I supect you guys would rather be in the top 1% of wealthly people in Sudan, than in the middle 20% in America. Which is cool.

Everyone sells out, the question is at what price. Thanks to affirmative action I have had a kick ass formal education which has allowed me to be rich in any real world terms. And the fact that Kerry and Cheney have 100,000 times as much as me makes no difference. I can choose to work, I can send my child to any school I choose, I live where I want.

I have more entertainment choices than i have time to take advantage of, and I can get almost any food made anywhere in the world.

BTW: Nixon made affirmative action happen. That is the point you guys put him in the same catergory as Reagan and his is not.

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Faheem said...

Everyone sells out? Is that a fact or is that the reality of your life and the justification you use to make sense of your betrayal of Black interest. Admitting you are a whore depending on the price the trick is paying is probably the most truthful thing you have written on this Blog or any blog.

All I read in your post was I, I, I; what about your people Negro. You know the ones who made it possible for you to get that education and now you talking that bootstrap shit. Negro Please.....

Nixon was a criminal and that is the link between him and the others I mentioned.,.

At 6:25 PM, Blogger Scott said...

Who cares if he was a criminal, he did things to help black people that is what is important. Isn't that your goal. Isn't that what we are talking about.


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