July 17, 2005

If you try you might fail...

...But if you do not try you are guaranteed to fail! -Jesse Jackson

If you try you might fail, but if you do not try you are guaranteed to fail. That was a popular motivational phrase uttered often by Jesse Jackson to black youth and adults. Jesse also popularized the phrases; “I am somebody” and “keep hope alive”. Although this essay is not about Jesse Jackson, he is the icon that conservatives use most to exemplify what is wrong with black leadership.

How did these positive messages get contorted and framed as the promotion of hopelessness and failure in the black community? Of course, that’s a rhetorical question as I know full well the how and why. It is because of the conservative movement that defines itself antithetical to liberal ideology and hence must twist words of and agendas to make others ideology look bad, while juxtaposing theirs as what is good.

I am not attempting to defend liberalism, but rather, black leadership who has fought for black uplift. I had a long conversation with a good friend of mine who interpreted and concluded that I was promoting hopelessness because I said that there is a reason why black people under perform is society. He said that based upon what I lamented, that people would not even have a reason to try, once they hear the negatives about external obstacles against them. However, I never alluded anything of the sort.

What I want to know is since when does noting obstacles and opposition to success mean that one should give up and not try? It’s a false corollary to suggest that talk of racism and environmental impediments decreases effort and motivation. Indeed, it is better to overestimate your opposition rather than under estimate it. For the overestimation is likely to produce over preparation while underestimation is likely to produce under preparation. As long as people have dreams and hope, they will try regardless of obstacles. It is the people without dreams and hope that end up not tying. In order for me to make such an assumption, I would first have to conclude that blacks are weak and cowardly who simply give up in the face of opposition. However, I see black people not as cowards, but brave fighters against injustice.

Many conservatives want people to believe that talking about and fighting against racisms legacy upon black folks is mutually exclusive to internal focusing on efforts to improve the black condition. Conservative black folk are not interested in augmenting black leaders who have an external focus on fighting institutional and systematic racism and oppressions legacy, with new leaders who will have an internal focus. Rather, they seek the all or nothing route with the all being a total internal focus, with the elimination of leaders with external focus. Thus, nearly every time you hear a black conservative, he or she does not suffice with internal talk; they must criticize, ostracize and condemn black leaders with external focus as outdated dinosaurs whose ideology and methods need to be scraped.

The truth of the matter is that white folks have lost their patients, assuming they ever had any, with dealing with the black condition. Consequently, the voice and political conduit of angry white folks, the Republican Party, is sending the message loud and clear that enough time has passed for black folks to pull themselves up. Therefore, black folks coveting favor and promotion in the conservative ideology thus propagates the message to the black masses so that conservative whites are spared the discomfort of being seen as racist, despite its validity in many cases.

How long is normative human healing in regards to recovery from slavery and racism? Conjecture and false analogies and comparison abound. However, the consequence of premature expectations are not unlike the consequences of prematurely trying to take the caste off a broken leg that has not had the proper time and care to heal. What could happen is that the leg will be re-broken or heal improperly, resulting in a permanent limp. White folks want and expect black folk to be free of the caste because the caste is a reminder of their and this nations inhumanity, which they do not want to assume responsibility for. In steps the black conservative to do their dirty work by their attempt to characterize the lack of healing as being self inflicted. Thus, no longer the cause of white America.

Who is to say how long is should take for a people to recover from over 300 years of legalized racial oppression that manifested a physical, psychological, geographical, economical and social reaction upon a people? Where are the examples from history were an oppressed group of people who remained in the land of their oppression, amongst the oppressing group, who rose to equality as a minority in that land? Most oppressed groups of people in history immigrated and subjugated their way out of the legacy of their own oppression by doing to others what had been done to them, in degree or kind.

In light of that, it is obvious that those who want to ignore those external forces are propagating the belief that black humanity is “abnormal” and hence what needs to be targeted is black abnormality. They want people to believe that the black condition of inequality is the resultant of pathologies endemic to a genetic racial pattern, which manifest as blackness. Hence, working on these abnormal human behavior characteristics and traits is what they believe is needed for blacks to move forward and not attempting to fight vestiges of institutional and systematic racism.

Most people do not have a problem noting individual variation. We all know that some individual achieve less than others because some individuals have greater inherent capacities than others. Although most people are around the same, there are those few who separate from the average for the better and worse. Thus, among individuals, there will always be variations in performance. However, when you talk about races of people, you have to assume equality in requisite genetic attributes, lest you are forwarding the doctrine of racial inferiority. That is what conservatives do in their arguments. They forward the notion of black abnormality or inferiority, by seeing inequality the resultant of these traits endemic to black peoples more than others.

In conclusion, I think that the words by Jesse Jackson, which states that if you try you might fail, but if you do not try, you are guaranteed to fail totally refutes the supposition that traditional black leaders are retarding the effort of blacks by their focus on external obstacles. Black leaders are indeed encouraging black to be all that they can be and to try, regardless of the odds and obstacle against them relative to others.


At 12:36 PM, Blogger Constructive Feedback said...


You are one intesting fellow. You love to paint with a broad brush but get upset when someone does likewise with you.

Speaking FOR MYSELF I have challenged YOU, Jesse Jackson and all of the other fundementalists who seek to change America while appear to be unwilling to change Black people so that we might have greater success consider the METHODS that are exercised in "the struggle", measuring them from the concept of EFFECTIVENESS.

I am really not concerned with Jesse Jackson, you nor anyone else with regard to a debate on using "positive thinking" to overcome the fact that there is a big sinkhole ahead in the road. CLEARLY hope alone is not going to have you to span this hole rather than receiving serious injury from the fall.

My challenge to you has been purely from the concept of INTERNAL DEMOCRACY. You have your perspective on how to address problems. I have mine. You have not a cell in your body that is more "Black" or "Black Conscious" than mine.

It is only your perceived ownership of Blackness and the numbers that you mount that allow you to continue.

IF ONLY WE COULD CLOSE THE LOOP, adding that your propular methods must be shown to WORK and achieve a SUPERIOR rate of success IN A GIVEN TIME frame than alternative METHODOLOGIES or it gets tossed.

Some of you are able to point out "your victories" (aka: All that you have done for Black people). What you don't want to talk about - using a sports mantra is that you acheived these victories over 30 seasons while the next man is on your tail and about to surpass you having had almost the same number of victories in 15 seasons. Who is MORE EFFECTIVE?

While positive thinking is important - I reject your claim that a certain ideology if attempting to mask the reality.

It is interesting that you quickly reject the claim that Black Liberal Progressive Fundementalists "highlight misery for Black people because it keeps them in power".

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Noah TA said...

Your insecurity with your own blackness is glaringly obvious. No one on this blog has talked about granting or denying membership to “blackness”. The only person obsessed with not being denied blackness or black consciousness is you. Given that blackness is a genetic state of being, in my opinion, who am I to grant or deny membership into blackness. That is simply another of your absurd rebuttal emanating from your insecurity with being an anomaly in regards to black ideological beliefs. No one attempt to deny and “Uncle Tom” their “Blackness”. Such genetics is self evident and irrevocable…. so get over it.

Human condition is the product of internal and external forces, ignoring the spiritual for now. The degree of distribution for an individual or group varies. For black people, we have endured immense external obstacles, but we do, like all other groups of people, have internal problems as well. I have not problem with people wanting to focus internally, to augment those who focus externally. People like you are disingenuous because you claim to recognize and acknowledge the external impediment of racism, but you want to subdue black leaders who attempt to combat it. In their place, you want to REPLACE them with internally focused black leaders.

No one objects to new black leaders who augment existing black leaders. What people object to is the mutually exclusive methodology that people like you propagate. People like you want a zero sum competition between the external and internal methodologists.

Until you can tell me why both methodologies cannot exist simultaneously as a super synergy to either methodology on its own, your tirades will be dismissed as without merit.

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Constructive Feedback said...

Your insecurity with your own blackness is glaringly obvious.

That is funny!!!

I have no INSECURITY to my "Blackness".

I, unlike Michael Jackson have no plans to scrub the melanin from my skin. My wife, children and a good portion of the people that I spend time with are "Black".

I only tire at the CLEAR manipulation that is attempted to define Blackness as a particular ideology.

This would even be cool if THOSE WHO PUSH THIS IDEOLOGY would also agree to be held accountable for the success and failure of what they have told us. We both know that this is not the case.

A person who is at the lead of a movement but has successfully convinced everyone that any failure that the group experiences is because of some external antagonist but NEVER due to THEIR leadership and respective choices is bound to have job security. The people who follow them, however are bound to have limited success unless this outsider changes his ways.

In any event they are a FUNCTION of this other entity.

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Constructive Feedback said...

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At 12:12 PM, Blogger Constructive Feedback said...

Your insecurity with your own blackness is glaringly obvious.

That is funny!!!

I have no INSECURITY to my "Blackness".

I, unlike Michael Jackson have no plans to scrub the melanin from my skin. My wife, children and a good portion of the people that I spend time with are "Black".

I only tire at the CLEAR manipulation that is attempted to define Blackness as a particular ideology.

This would even be cool if THOSE WHO PUSH THIS IDEOLOGY would also agree to be held accountable for the success and failure of what they have told us. We both know that this is not the case.

A person who is at the lead of a movement but has successfully convinced everyone that any failure that the group experiences is because of some external antagonist but NEVER due to THEIR leadership and respective choices is bound to have job security. The people who follow them, however are bound to have limited success unless this outsider changes his ways.

In any event they are a FUNCTION of this other entity.

At 9:59 AM, Blogger MEP said...

Hold up a second:

["I have no INSECURITY to my "Blackness".

I, unlike Michael Jackson have no plans to scrub the melanin from my skin. My wife, children and a good portion of the people that I spend time with are "Black"."]

You are secure in your Black identity because you and your family associate with mostly Black people? That's an interesting remark. So associating with White people (or non-Blacks) makes you insecure?

You can't associate with a diverse group of people and still be secure in your racial identity? Does that smack of the same argument that exclusionary White people make?


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