numbers and logic
Are numbers and mathematics the language of truth? Can all of nature and existence, and its entire phenomenon's, be broken down to numbers? I believe that the answer to this question is yes; however, humans have not evolved and may never evolve to the point where we can decipher these truths. Only God knows the precise formulas, laws and calculations that create nature and existence as we know it. The reason why everything can be broken into numbers is that, based upon the current context of knowledge, the universe is broken into matter and energy. Matter and Energy was God building blocks and fuel source for the universe.
The failure of the ability to break phenomenon into numbers is not born from the phenomenon being an exception to natures rule, but rather, a failure of human knowledge and understanding. The absence of evidence of truth is not evidence of absence of truth. Before human knowledge base included the understanding of DNA and its sequences that are the templates of life, that absence of understanding did not mean the absence of DNA. Life and existence does not happen by magic, it is the resultant of the interactions of trillions of variables, predictably. However, if you do not know of or understand the variables, you cannot predict.
The reason something may sound logical is born from it reconciling in numbers behind the scene. That does not mean that we need to be able to consciously map the phenomenon to numbers, however. For example My father used to tell us a riddle than went like this: “A man left town on a horse to visit relatives far off. His travels took six days, leaving on Monday and returning on Monday”. Now, this riddle seems illogical because the numbers do not add up, because Monday to Monday is 7 days and he was apparently gone only six days. It sounds illogical on the surface. Other phenomenon sound illogical because of our intuitive understanding of physics, even though we cannot consciously calculate the variables.
In light of this, numbers and logic are the test of natures truths. Often times in human debate and opinion, there seems to be little means of discerning an objective truth. Thus, there is never any closer or acquiescing towards the truth, because individuals emotionally attached and invested in the truths antithesis will not accept it. Debate and argument is not generally done with the purpose of seeking knowledge and truth, but rather, for the joy and sport of debate. It is akin to hunting in America, given that people don’t usually hunt for survival and food, but rather because they enjoy the act.
When we hear debates regarding politics, there is never closure or acquiescence toward truth, because evaluating human nature on a collective scale is not an exact science. What I mean by that is that what maybe true for one person cannot be assumed to be true for another, because humans are not exact clones. Thus, when adopt a political ideology and social strategy, they are essential attempting to impose a solution that assumes that humans are clones, which is false, because it does not jive with the reality of the human numbers. American politics offers only two viable options, when many of the problems that exist are cured or treated from a large array of different strategies. Hence, when problems are never solved, the two competing ideologies blame the other, when the true problem is the stunted options the system provides.
The argument that is most illogical in America is the argument that arises from whites when dealing with the issue of race. The white argument is not supported at all by numbers and logic, hence, it has no anchor or foundation in truth. If one simply breaks down what has transpired over the last 300 years in America, in numbers and mathematics, the explanation of why blacks continue to lag social and economically in this nation stands clear. However, for those people who are the enemy of truth in regards to race, their emotional investment prevents them from accepting the logical. Instead, they choose to base their arguments on conjecture and fallacies.
If one understand some simple algebraic number laws regarding equality, the logical solution to black inequality would be clear. The algebraic number law of equality says that in order to maintain an equality, whatever is done on one side of the comparison must be done to the other side or inequality will be the resultant. Thus, if one starts with the assumptions that blacks are equal in capacities with whites, but there exist a current inequality of outcome for blacks, there can logically be only two reasons for this inequality. One, the assumption of blacks being equal in capacities of whites is false. Two, the treatment of blacks and whites in this nation has been unequal.
Most white folks today would lose total credibility if they denied the history on unequal treatment of blacks in this nation. Thus, they reluctantly acknowledge that history. However, the do not take the next logical step, which is to explain the cause of the current inequality to be this unequal historical treatment. Hence, by default, when one eliminates one option from a binary option, by default the other option picked. Therefore, when whites (or black conservatives) eliminate the history of racism from explaining the current inequalities, they are alluding that blacks are not equal in capacities to whites. In other words, they are alluding that blacks are inferior. Of course, in the current climate people do not come out and say this overtly, because the cloak will then be uncovered and their racism that they deny will be revealed. However, logically, they are clearing implying black inferiority.
In light of these logical truths, some may acquiesce and accept it as truth, but then say let us move past that cause and toward the solution. The fallacy with that line of thought is that they do not seek the logical solution, but rather the solution that will be most palatable to the white masses. The only solutions that most whites are willing to entertain are the solutions that cost whites the least. However, this restriction and constraint prevents the logical and most efficacious solution from manifesting. The logical solution, mathematically, flows from the algebraic law. If an inequality has be created from one side of the comparison being treated differently, the inequality can only be restored by going forward with inequality, but this time to the benefit of the other side.
Mathematically, an inequality can never be restored by treating each side equally. That will simply preserve the inequality infinitely. That is why the white conservative argument that you cannot fight discrimination with discrimination is illogical. Two wrongs does make a right when it produces equality as the resultant. To acknowledge that blacks have been discriminated against in the past is not enough. There needs to be an offset to the effects of this discrimination so that the inequality that resulted can be undone.
The Neo Racism of today is different from the racism of the past in that the focus is not on creating the inequality, but rather, on preserving the inequality created from the past. Thus, the strategy is to deny the logical solution to black inequality. Hence, thus the politics of denial of any government program or policy that disproportionately are seen to go to the benefit of blacks. That strategy and goal is cloaked today via the Trojan horse called “conservatism”. The truth is in the numbers.
By the way, in my fathers riddle, the HORSE was named MONDAY.