September 29, 2004

Black Statistics: The fastest growing Metropolitan Black population centers of America

% increase of populations greater than 200,000 blacks

1. Orlando.....62 6. Columbus, OH......34
2. Atlanta.....61 7. Jacksonville......34
3. Miami.......43 8. Boston............33
4. Tampa.......37 9. Raleigh-Durham....33
5. Charlotte……35 10. Dallas-Fort Worth.32

% increase of Population less than 200,000 blacks

1. Minneapolis......103 6. Sacramento.....42
2. Las Vegas.........92 7. Denver.........36
3. Phoenix...........71 8. Austin.........32
4. West Palm Beach...59 9. Nashville......29
5. Seattle...........52 10. Little Rock....28


These latest demographic trends of black migratory patterns show a distinct shift back to the South. Upon closer examination, the shift simply mirrors the fading of the zenith of the industrial era in America. The industrial era is not disappearing from the Earth, just as the agricultural era never disappeared either. However, what has is happening is that other nations have developed a comparative advantage in the Manufacturing area, while the US had maintained comparative advantage in the new information age/era.

Due to the relative industrial decline of America, States and cities that once offered good opportunities for black fleeing the old agrarian based and Jim Crow South, are loosing jobs and people. Unlike any other time in US history, this new era is characterized by the need of a formal education in order to reach and maintain middle class status. That is not the absolute rule, but that is the trend of this new era. Thus, those blacks migrating to the South, unlike those migrating to the North, are not finding middle class opportunities unless they are educated, as the general rule. The other option is to simply work multiple low end jobs, given the greater service job growth in the South, which greatly feeds off of population growth.


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