March 29, 2005

One plus One equals Two? not all the time...

There are always studies being done in America about the Liberal and Conservative divide in various areas. A new report in keeping with this tradition is reporting that Colleges are overwhelmingly liberal. The study found that 87% of college’s faculty is Liberal, while 13% of them are conservative. I have always maintained that Liberal dominance in any area is such to the extent that the job itself is Liberal. Being a teacher is one of the most liberal jobs one can have, thus it only serves to reason that most teachers would be Liberal.

When ever the Conservative and Liberal dichotomy is explored and there is an undeniable presence of one over the other, those who look into these things believe it is only natural to conclude that such disparities can only mean that the dominant group is “possibly discriminating” against the other in ways that affect their hiring and promotions. The article states in regards to these matters that;

“Even after factoring in levels of achievement, as measured by published work and organization memberships, "the most likely conclusion" is that "being conservative counts against you,"”

This same song is sung as noted in one of my past op-eds when it comes to the overwhelming number of Liberals in the Media. Conservatives think the natural conclusion is the more Liberals you have reporting the news the higher the possibility and probability that the news is being reported with a bias and one that is more anti-Conservative than neutral or objective.

Such conclusions are dismissed as paranoia, victimhood and various other things when Black men and women point out the fact that the media reporting stories about us is overwhelmingly white, the police in our communities are overwhelmingly white, the places we seek employment are overwhelmingly white and most teachers with their liberal bias are overwhelmingly white, thus the natural conclusion would be that the dominant group is “possibly discriminating” against the other in ways that affect their hiring and promotions and when it comes to policing our communities it is only natural to conclude that the dominant group is policing our community with an anti-Black bias. We do not conclude such based on numbers alone as is done mostly in the cases of Liberal versus Conservative we conclude such based on actual events that are real and continue to happen.

Thus the question is, how is it so easy to see the “possibility of a bias and discrimination” based on numbers alone when the Liberal and Conservative dichotomy is being explored however when the Black and White Dichotomy is being explored and we have the numbers and provide evidence to support what we are saying, it is dismissed? This is more proof of the lack of intellectual honesty coming from white folk in America, they would have us believe one plus one equal two only in cases where one is Conservative and one is Liberal. In cases where one is Black folk and one is white folk, the conclusion to the equation is never two.


At 7:20 AM, Blogger Noah TA said...

Good points Faheem. I was going to jump on these finding myself...but you did a good job beating me to the punch.

I think that these conservatives are guilty of "projecting". They are simply projecting what THEY DO or would do when in the majority position....which is discriminate. Thus, they are assuming that others do or would do the same thing when they are in the Majority.


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