August 13, 2004

Governor McGreevy and White Skin Privilge

As we are bombarded with all this talk about Governor McGreevy being gay and given his gay lover a job, the one thing that seems to be ignored is that this is a classic case of white skin privilege. Here we have McGreevy given another white male a job that paid 110K a year and this man was so unqualified that the FBI refused to brief him. If this is not white skin privilege I do not know what is, and it should be called what it actually is, White Skin privilege.


At 8:02 PM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

Does "lover" mean anything to you? Would you be saying this if he was straight, had a mistress, and gave her a job?

It's not a matter of black and white, it's a matter of a gay guy giving his love a job.

This is simply ridiculous. It has nothing to do with the fact that he is white... it has everything to do with the fact that he was involved with the governor.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Faheem said...

The only difference in what I would have written if his lover was a woman would be that he gave a white woman a job instead of a white man. You are trying to measure what I am saying by if the person whom received the job got it because he is white, which is not my position. My position is that this is a great example of a white male giving another white male a job that he was not qualified for, and everyone seems to be ignoring that. I do not care if this man was his lover or not, at the end of the day this white male received a job he did not deserve by way of a favor from another white male. If the situation was reversed and a Black man gave a job to another Black male, we would hear more about how unqualified the Black male was for the job and the fact that he got the job in the first place. You can all this cronyism if you like but the truth is; the only person that benefited in this whole ordeal was another white male.

At 12:12 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

I don't think that it would be different if the lover had been black. If it would be, there's a whole lot more wrong with america than I thought.

At 12:33 AM, Blogger TheLoneAmigo said...

However, in that case the governor would not be guilty of white-skin-privilege: that would be the media and the government of new jersey.


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